Funerals and Memorial Services
Are Not for the Dead
(『歎異抄』第五章 )
l, Shinran, have never once said the nembutsu for the repose of mother or father.
(Tannisho,Section Ⅴ)
親鸞(しんらん)は、亡き父母の追善供養(ついぜん くよう)のために、念仏いっぺん、いまだかつて称えたことがない。
The idea that funerals and memorial services bring peace to the departed is firmly entrenched in many people's minds.
In ancient India, one of Sakyamuni's disciples inquired, " Is it true that if we recite edifying scriptures around the dead, they will be born in a good place?"
The Buddha silently picked up a stone and tossed it into a pond. As it sank, he pointed to the spot in return, "If you walked around the pond chanting `Stone,rise! Stone,rise!' do you think the stone would float up to the surface?"
The Stone sank of its own weight. Mere words could never cause it to rise.
In the same way, instructed the Buddha, people's fate after death is determined by their own actions (karmic power).
It is impossible for any kind of sutra reading to change the fortunes of the departed.
読経(どきょう)で死者が救われるという考えは、本来、仏教になかったのである。釈迦 八十年の生涯、教えを説かれたのは生きた人間であり、常に苦悩の心田を耕す教法だった。死者の為の葬式や仏事を執行されたことは一度もなかったといわれる。
The idea that sutra-reading could bring about the salvation of the dead was not originally part of Buddhism. The teachings of the Buddha throughout his lifetime of eighty years were always for the living, falling like rain on the hearts and minds of the suffering. It is said that he never carried out any funerals or services for the dead.
※転迷開悟(てんめいかいご)= 迷いから覚めて、さとりを開くこと。
From the start, Buddhism eschewed such worldly, formalistic rituals and offered instruction rather about true emancipationーturning away from ignorance and achieving enlightenment.
Yet today, many self-styled Buddhists take it for granted that rituals of funerals, services, and sutra readings do benefit the dead. Some superstitions die hard.
In the midst of such turmoil, the confession at the top of this chapter resounds like thunder from the blue:"I, Shinran,have never once said the nembutsu for the repose of mother or father.
ここで「孝養(こうよう)」とは「追善供養(ついぜん くよう)」であり、死んだ人を幸福にすると信じられている行為のことである。
"Repose"refers to requiem services,which are carried out in the belief that they will ensure the happiness of the dead.
Shinran lost his father at the age of four and his mother at the age of eight;what must have been his grief when he thought of them? Surely the image of his dead parents haunted him above all else.
Even so,he denies ever having said a single nembutsu on their behalf. Of course, this statement refers not only to the act of saying the nembutsu, but to all Buddhist services carried out with the intent of ensuring the happiness of the dead.
It may thus be rephrased:"I, Shinran, have never once said the nembutsu, read a sutra, or held a memorial service to please my dead parents."
Shocking,you may think.
To priests who calmly urge services e for the repose of ancestors'souls, on the pretext that the dead appreciate nothing more than having sutras read on their behalf, and to lay people who accept this is a given, Shinran's pronouncement is baffling. To many people it may sound cold and callous.
But with this sensational confession, Shinran, who revered his parents more than anyone, shattered the common people's deep-rooted illusion and showed them the true way to honor their dead.
The monk Kakunyo (1270-1351), Shinran's descendant, lamented the existence of monks who made funerary and memorial rites their main job,ignoring the fact that Shinran never performed them. Let us quote kakunyo's words:
Shinran used to say, "When I die, cast my body into the River Kamo and feed it to the fishes. "This was because he wanted to impress on people that they should care little for the body and make faith their top priority. Therefore it is wrong to make much of funerals. They should be stopped.
「私が死ねば、屍(しかばね)を賀茂河に捨てて,魚に食べさせよ」と。しばしば親鸞聖人がおっしゃったのは、なぜか。それはセミの抜け殻のような肉体の後始末よりも永遠の魂の解決(信必決定、しんじん・けつじょう)こそが、最も急がなければならないことを教導されたものである。 されば葬式などを大事とすべきではあるまい。やめるべきであろう。
Why did Shinnan make this shocking declaration? He did it to instruct people that rather than worry about the disposition of remains, which are like the empty shell of a locust, they should hurry above all to resolve the fate of the eternal self(acquire other-power faith). Therefore, concludes Kakunyo, rather than give importance to funerals, it would be better to call a halt to them.
この聖人の教えを破ったわが子、存覚(ぞんかく)を 覚如(かくにょ)上人は断固、勘当されている 。
存覚は『報恩記』などに、「父母の死後は 追善供養を根本とする仏事を大切にして親の恩に報いるつとめをはたすべし」「追善のつとめには、念仏第一なり」とまで言い切っている。
先祖の追善供養を徹底排除された親鸞聖人の教えを、明らかに破壊するものであり 、破門されて当然だろう。
Kakunyo disinherited his son Zonkaku, for violating this teaching of Shinran's.In his Record of Memorials and elsewhere, Zonkaku actually wrote such things as this: "After your parents die, you should strive to repay the debt you owe them,taking special care carry out Buddhist services for the repose of their souls." "The best way to memorialize your parents is to say the nembursu on their behalf." Such ideas are clearly subversive to Shinran's teaching that the practice of seeking the repose of the dead should be entirely done away with. and so it is fitting Zonkaku was disowned.
The Buddhist world today is clearly violating Shinran's teaching, just as Zonkaku did, and is in that sense suffering from a sickness unto death. Without prompt reflection on the golden words of Shinran,Buddhism will become an empty Shell.
では、葬儀や法要・墓参は全く無意味なのかといえば、仏法聞いた人には 仏恩報謝(ぶっとん・ほうしゃ)・法味愛楽(ほうみ・あいぎょう)仏法知らぬ人には仏縁ともなろう。
Then are funerals, memorial services, and gravesite visits meaningless? No. To those who have heard Buddhist truth they are occasions for thanksgiving and rejoicing in Amida's salvation, and to those in ignorance of the truth they are chances to form bonds with Amida, the Buddha of Infinite Life.
Year in and year out, we read of significant traffic deaths. Told tat many thousands of people died in accidents the previous year, we register no surprise but only stare aimlessly at the statistics, numb to the reality of death. Our desires keep us in a whirl- wind of activity from morning to night,with no time to sit and contemplate the self. In the midst of such busyness, attending a funeral or kneeling at a grave can provide a precious chance to take a hard look at one's life: "I too must one day die. Am I not idling my life away?"
否応なしに冷厳な真実を見せつけられ 厳粛な思いにさせられる。
Being forced to face the cold fact of one's mortality i sobering. I is our hope that funerals and memorial services will be not empty rituals but occasions to deeply consider the crucial question of one's ultimate fareーeternal suffering or eternal blissーand seek liberation:the acquisition of other-power faith.
(Japanese edition)
(English edhiton)
UNLOCKING TANNISHO (Ichimanendo Publishing, Inc.)
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