Shinrann's Fulfillment of Life's Purpose
Shinran turns to his own experience, expressing his thankfulness at having encountered
salvation in this heartfelt and vivid cry of joy;
Ah, how hard it is, even in many lifetimes, to encounter the strong power of Amida's
Vow! How hard it is, even in myriad aeons, to obtain faith that is true and real!
Anyone blessed with this faith cannot help but rejoice at the benevolent working of
Amida since the distant past that have brought it into being.
Had I remained covered by the net of doubt in this life as well, I should have had to keep
wandering, lost, through vast aeons.How genuine,the true words of Amida that embrace
us and never forsake us, the absolute doctrine that is surpassingly wonderful! Listen and believe without hesitation or delay.
"Preface" in Teaching,Practice, Faith, Enlightenment
(Shinran's lifework)
Also known as Shinran Shonin or " Saint Shinran." Founder of Shin Buddhism or the True Pure Land School(Jodo Shinshu).
from "You were born for a reason" The Real Purpose of Life