Let's learn Buddhism in English & Japanese
The first step on the road to happiness is not blaming things on your destiny, even when you feel that “Things just don’t work out well for me. . .” (3)
In Buddhism this is called “the law of cause and effect.” "Law" means the universal principle that applies always and everywhere.
There can be no effect without a cause, and if there is a cause, an effect will necessarily result. Shakyamuni assures us that this holds true in every age and wherever one goes.
To put it in simpler terms: “A seed that is not sown will never come to fruition, and a seed that is sown necessarily will."
【原作本】(『幸せのタネをまくと、幸せの花が咲く』 - 岡本一志)
【英語訳本】(From ‘If You Plant Seeds of Happiness, Flowers of Happiness Will Bloom’ by Okamoto Kazushi)
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